NETmicroplastic in agricultural soil
Lead partner:
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology - Standort Tulln
Additional participating institutions:
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) - IFA Tulln
Bündnis Mikroplastikfrei
Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik
Wageningen University
European Bioplastics
Field(s) of action:
Environment, climate and ressources
Health and nutrition
Scientific discipline(s):
1040 - Chemie (40 %)
4050 - Andere Agrarwissenschaften (40 %)
1070 - Andere Naturwissenschaften (20 %)
Funding tool: Partnerships
Project-ID: FTI21-P-008
Project start: 17. Oktober 2022
Project end: 16. Oktober 2025
Runtime: 36 months / ongoing
Funding amount: € 409.297,00
Brief summary:
Microplastics are persistent pollutants and have a significant impact on soil ecology, agricultural production, the environment and human health. According to relevant studies, the abundance of microplastic on land may be 4–23 times higher than that in the ocean. Sources of microplastic in agricultural soil are include agricultural mulching films, compost products and sewage sludge, as well as polymers and additives of fertilizers and littering.
The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology supported by 7 national and 4 European partners has developed a concept of an RTI partnership on microplastic in agricultural soils. NETmicroplastic will bring together key players in society, industry and research that currently are scattered in NÖ, Austria and Europe. The aim is to create a community-supported environment, and to provide solid data for science-based impact assessment of microplastic in soil and the development of biodegradable alternatives to conventional plastic. This network plan contributes to the implementation of the European Green Deal, in particular the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy and the EU Action Plan: 'Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil'.
Within the NETmicroplastic partnership NÖ, Austrian and European institutions from different scientific disciplines are to network with non-scientific institutions (industry, schools, citizen). The network will i) organize and coordinate activities and stakeholder events, ii) expand RTI from Lower Austria to National and European partners, iii) develop strategies to address knowledge gaps and concepts for sustainable solutions, iv) contribute to knowledge transfer between research and practice, v) develop innovative research at national and European level and vi) contribute to solve current and future social, economic, ecological and technological challenges related to microplastic in agricultural soil.
microplastic, bioplastic, soil