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Symposium Dürnstein

The annual Symposium Dürnstein is an international exchange of ideas at the interface of philosophy, religion and politics. Speakers and participants from different scientific disciplines and fields of interest can set impulses and create something new in this free thinking space of the Symposium Dürnstein.

Who for: Fellow thinkers, the curious, those hungry for knowledge, those who enjoy discussion.


Portrait Bettina Pilsel
Mag. Bettina Pilsel
Awards, Events and Public Relations

Impact Award 2022

The Impact Award 2022 will take place for the first time on 17.11.2022 from 4 pm. The dissertation projects from Science Calls with the highest relevance will be awarded. Relevance is understood to mean both the impact on science through knowledge gain and dissemination, but also the contribution to solving current challenges.

Presented and awarded will be:

  • Scientific projects from the Science Calls 2016 and 2017
    The winner will receive a media package in cooperation with APA-Science and an invitation to the science podcast “Nerds mit Auftrag.”
    The Impact Award 2022 will be given to the author of a dissertation (Science Call 2016 or 2017) with the most substantial IMPACT. It will be evaluated:
    • What contribution (in terms of knowledge gain) did the dissertation project make to scientific discourse?
    • What is the relevance of the dissertation project beyond the scientific community?
    • What contribution does the dissertation project make to addressing societal / economic / ecological / technological challenges?

Dissertation projects from the Science Calls 2018 and 2019 will be presented as posters during the event. The three best posters will be awarded by the jury and will receive a book voucher.

Date: 17.11.2022
Venue: Panorama Hall of HYPO NOE Landesbank, Hypogasse 1, 3100 St. Pölten

15:00   Admission
            Exhibition of the project posters
16:00   Welcome
            Ruth Hutsteiner, Moderator
            Barbara Schwarz, Managing Director GFF NÖ
            “The Success Story of Calls as a Funding Instrument - Focus Dissertation Calls”
            Presentation of the Dissertation Projects Science Call 2016 and 2017
            Keynote Markus Hengstschläger
, Geneticist, Head of the Department of
            Medical Genetics at Med Uni Vienna, Book Author,
            Chairman of the Supervisory Board of GFF NÖ “Solution Talent as Innovation             Driver”
            Award Ceremony
            Science Call 2018 and 2019
            Impact Award Science Call 2016 and 2017
18:00 Closing remarks and opening of the buffet

Moderation: Ruth Hutsteiner, Journalist ORF
Jury: Tanja Traxler (Der Standard), Wolfgang Renner (Wiener Zeitung), Leo Capari (tecnet equity NÖ Technologiebeteiligungs-Invest GmbH)

Registration required. A limited contingent of seats is available for those interested in science. Registration for the event is open through November 14 at

Parking facilities: Landhaus-Garage Map and information on rates.

That was the Impact Award 2022

GFF NÖ invited for the first time to the networking event Impact Award 2022 on November 17 in St. Pölten.

The most convincing was synthesis chemist Walter Kuba’s presentation of his project “The perfect match - Tools for controlling molecules in living systems.”
The molecule newly developed in his dissertation and already patented belongs to the next generation of trans-cyclooctenes and outperforms the TCO investigated in the clinical phase by orders of magnitude. Therefore, it is considered a promising candidate in the development of diagnostic and therapeutic platforms in the fight against malignant diseases. The dissertation was written at the Austrian Institute of Technology in cooperation with the Vienna University of Technology. Walter Kuba will provide insights into his life and experiences as a young scientist in the APA-Science podcast “Nerds with a mission” on December 8.

Second place went to Renate Weiß of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, who was able to positively answer the following research questions in her dissertation: “Do enzymes produced from waste materials have the capabilities to replace conventional industrial chemicals and can new materials be developed from lignin, a by-product of the paper industry, through enzymatic modification?”

The broad spectrum of funded scientific research work was further expanded with the 3rd place dissertation by Katharina Auer-Voigtländer from the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten. In her research project, she investigated arrival processes and subject positioning of migrant refugees in the European asylum system, using Austria as an example.

In the poster presentations of ongoing research projects from the 2018 and 2019 Science Calls, prizes went to Carmen Rehm, whose work traces Vibrio cholerae bacteria in Lower Austria’s bathing ponds; Christoph Preimesberger, who investigates the spontaneous combustion behavior of wood; and Kathrin Merle Bieber, who studies the wearing of traditional costume by Jews as a representation of belonging in Vienna and Lower Austria between the advent of the Sommerfrische and 1938.

Wolfgang Renner (Head of Wiener Zeitung Academy) and Leo Capari (Technology Transfer Manager at tecnet equity NÖ Technologiebeteiligungs-Invest GmbH) could be won for the jury. The event was moderated by science journalist Ruth Hutsteiner (ORF Wissenschaft).
Geneticist and chairman of the supervisory board of GFF NÖ, Markus Hengstschläger, inspired the audience with his trenchant keynote and called on the scientists to set the bar high for their research goals. Environmental biologist and award winner Renate Weiß took this call as an opportunity and made the audience and the jury sit up and take notice with her research goal of developing car tires that are environmentally compatible in the future.

Long Night of Research 2022

The interaction of spatial planning and rail transport using the example of Pielachtal & Mariazellerbahn could be explored around the art station Klangen on May 20 from 5pm. With a scientific walk along a railroad section with spatial planning ideas, workshops and digital scavenger hunt for children & teens, insights into a converter of the future as well as a lecture on future perspectives of spatial planning, the numerous visitors were introduced to the topic. The central topic was the award-winning diploma thesis by Patrick Zöchling entitled “Potential Pielachtal: Integrative considerations as a chance for new spatial qualities along the Mariazellerbahn.”

Best of Video:

Long version

Short version

RTI Info Events

As part of the RTI information events, the current calls for funding recipients are presented at changing locations or in the form of web meetings. Questions are answered, included in the FAQs and subsequently made available on the website.
We provide you with an overview of the funding landscape of the RTI Strategy Lower Austria 2027

Who for: Researchers in Lower Austria


  • 29.6.2021 from 10:30 to 12:30
  • 7.12.2021 from 10:00 to 12:00
  • 30.6.2022 from 13:00 to 14:30
  • 21.10.2022 from 10:00 to 12:00 ONLINE

If you would like to be informed about the upcoming dates, please subscribe to our newsletter (category Calls).

Registration for the upcoming online appointment at :

Here you can find the presentations for download:

Best of Calls

The funded projects of a call are presented with their current status in a relaxed setting among like-minded people. Ideas are exchanged, contacts are made and discussions are held on a specific topic with keynote speakers.

The event serves to expand networks, generate new ideas and exchange ideas within the community.

Who for: Researchers of funded projects.

Portrait Mario Enzenberger
Mag. Mario Enzenberger
Authorized Manager, Head of Calls
Portrait Elisabeth Schuster
Elisabeth Schuster
Calls, Endowed Professorships


Best of Life Science Call 2016

good mood
from left.: Franz Delapina, Mario Enzenberger and Sigrid Rulitz
Sobha Karuthedom George
Moderator Peter Illetschko in conversation
Franz Delapina opens the event

Show all
Moderator Peter Illetschko leads through the event
Monika Schmoll
Kathrin Rychli presents
Monika Schmoll explains
Peter Allacher and team present a project
interested listeners
Young scientists
Christoph Schüller
The young science community
Christian Schober in conversation
Peter Allacher in conversation
Günter Allmaier
Christian Schober presents
Stefan Nehrer

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Best of Science Call 2017

Award winners

Best of Life Science Call und FTI Digitalisierung 2017

Good mood at the meeting of the scientists
v.l.: Dieter Pahr, Stefanie Stelzer, Andreas Reisinger
Good conversations at the community meeting
Martin Brandl, Albert Treytl and Gerald Steiner
Ines Méhu-Blantar, Mario Enzenberger, Franz Delapina, Barbara Schwarz
Ruth Hutsteiner moderates
Barbara Schwarz, Managing Director

Show all
The scientific community listens attentively
Andreas Reisinger
Alexander Kirschner
Ruth Hutsteiner
Hans Salzer
Claudia Gundacker
Oliver Langer
Stefanie Stelzer, Andreas Reisinger, Dieter Pahr
Martin Brandl
Good conversations between young scientists
The NÖ Forschungs- und Bildungsges.m.b.H. (NFB) invited to the exchange
Tina Gruber-Mücke
Albert Treytl
Albert Treytl inspires with his lecture
Dieter Pahr
Dieter Pahr
Stefanie Stelzer
Gerald Steiner
Djordje Slijepcevic
Ines Méhu-Blantar, Ruth Hutsteiner, Gerald Steiner
Ines Méhu-Blantar
Gerald Steiner

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